miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

A Photograph I Like

Masashi Wakui is a Japanese photographer that take some beautiful and amazing photos during the Tokyo's night.
I chose my 2 favorite photos of this photographer (because I can't decide). First, we have some people walking on the street of Tokyo under a rainy night. Besides, we can see a lot of different stores light is streaming on the environment, and this get a new atmosphere with beautiful colors.
Besides, we have some cars parked at right and next a car with its headlights on. Around the photo we can see different buildings with different styles giving a personality to the atmosphere and an asynchrony perspective. These factors turns into a constant in anywhere, either on street during the night or a small alley.
In addition of that, when I saw this photographer’s work, I immediately remembered Studio Ghibli’s film like Spirited Away or Howl’s Moving Castle.

Maybe I like this kind of photos because I always lived in a city and I really like that. Besides, I must admit my love for Japan.

Here you can find more information about Masashi Wakui and his social media:
Tumblr: https://masa-photo.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @masa_photo_jp
Instagram: @masashi_wakui
VSCO: @masashi-wakui

PS: Sorry, I couldn't find when these pictures was taken :c.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

My Best Friend

The truth is I don't have a best friend because when I was in the school 7 years ago I met a group of friends which are 7 people and all of those are best friend. We have shared a lot of different moment and experience like travels, parties, games and chats.
Actually, I don't speak too much with them and maybe I am a bad friend that is why haha. However, we don't care if someone in the group don't talk too much or we don't know what the other doing is because these situations doesn't broke our reliance. Even if we are far of each one, we are waiting the moment to meet us again an have a nice day.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hi, it´s me again. Today I want to talk about my favorite pieces of technology.

Since I was a child, I love technology and different machines as mobiles, personal computers, servers or drones. I like to think every day we can improve and develop better a more powerful technologies with less space than before, it’s truly amazing.

If I need to choose my favorite piece of technology, I am a hundred percent sure I will choose a PC because that let me find information, books, movies, series, music, games, knowledge and I can talk with friend or meet somebody that lives in the other part of the world with only a click of distance using my PC. In summary, I can do a lot of different things using my PC and today for me is essential to have one. In addition of that, at 3 years ago I build a PC to play and study. I use my computer every day, but now only for study.

In conclusion, if PC weren’t existing, I am very sure humans will be backward because we accommodate our lives with the digital information, and in specific, with a PC.

A Subjet I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

I think the subject I most enjoyed this semester was analytical chemistry I. Been truth between us, a big parts of the teacher was very nice...