viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Practice Exercise

Hi, my name is Gonzalo Quiñones and I study biochemistry at university of Chile. I like the English because in this time you can find everything in English like academic books, papers, all kind of information, etc. Besides, I like to read and write in English (I don’t like to speak in English because I am not good at all, but I want to learn jeje).
I listen to music in English, but I don´t know how often I do because I made a playlist in Spotify of Lo-Fi (search about that, maybe you like it) with more than 1000 songs, however only a few songs have a singer and I have a aleatory mode of reproduction. Another aspect of me is I don´t usually watch movies.
Talking more about English, the most difficult aspect of English for me is understand a conversation or a dialogue. To overcome that problem and others I will read books and watch videos in English, in addition, I think this course can improve mi English level. In conclusion, I will do my best to overcome my English problems and learn a lot.

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