viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

My Autobiography

Hello everyone. It’s me again Gonzalo. This is my first evaluated post of the semester and I have to talk about myself so that we can get to know each other a little better.
First than all I am 20 years old and I was born in Santiago. I lived in the center of Santiago for 17 years and when I was 17 years old I began to reside in Colina with mi parents and my grandfather. I studied in 4 different schools, two during my elementary period and two in my high school period. Now I am in my second year studying Biochemistry at Universidad de Chile.
 I have two big brothers, Oscar & Pedro Pablo and 2 nephews of one of them, Rosario & Facundo <3.
In all my life I had two pets, the first was a Hamster, his name was Amigo (I know, I wasn’t very creative when I was a child xd) and my cat Saya. Amigo died when I was 6 or 7 years old (insert sad music) and my cat Saya born in 2017, now she is 3 years old and I love her <3.
To say more about myself, I like to study and listen to music, especially Lo-Fi. I like to play with my cat and read Scientifics articles. Besides, I love to play videogames but I think this semester I will not play anything because I only have time to study and sleep .

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