lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Why Did I Choose My Career / Study Program

I always like to play sports, I remember since I was a child me watching the Olympics Games, on specific running events like spring or relays. Therefore, since I was a child, I want to become an athlete. Nevertheless, when I was 13 years old, I was diagnosed with a lumbar disease (LDD), that meant for me stopped to play sports.
Despite felt bad about that, I changed my negative thoughts in positives because I turn into a calmer and patient person. It means a lot for me because I began to think on what is around me or who I am, maybe that was the reason behind my decision to study biochemistry.  
I need to say be calmer and patient than before don’t help me on what I want to be or study, since I have an interest in a lot of things so that I was very anxious in my last years on the school. This pressure helps me to spend more time thinking what I want to be and how I see myself in 10 years. So little by little I started to spot my interest in science, I become friend with my chemistry teacher, and we have talked a lot about different things. Besides, talking with her I realized the careers I wanted to study.
It´s right, I been closer to know what I want to be, but, even so I was very undecided in what career chose. Therefore, when I was 17 years old, I signed up in a science contest at the USACH (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), I spent a year studying how to make beer using yeast bread and honey. I met a lot of nice people and I made new friends, but the most important for me was finally decide my career. At this time, I was unresolved into chose between chemistry pharmaceutical and biochemistry but thank to this contest I could choose my career, biochemistry.
Today I am very happy studying the career that I chose, I enjoy learning a lot of different things that sometimes don’t have a directly relationship with my future and maybe in the next years I will be uncertain in what I want to work, but I try to be chill.
Besides, I know what I want to be, I want to become a researcher.
Finally, I think there's something that´s never changed since I was a kid and it's that I have always wanted to live doing something that makes me happy.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

My Autobiography

Hello everyone. It’s me again Gonzalo. This is my first evaluated post of the semester and I have to talk about myself so that we can get to know each other a little better.
First than all I am 20 years old and I was born in Santiago. I lived in the center of Santiago for 17 years and when I was 17 years old I began to reside in Colina with mi parents and my grandfather. I studied in 4 different schools, two during my elementary period and two in my high school period. Now I am in my second year studying Biochemistry at Universidad de Chile.
 I have two big brothers, Oscar & Pedro Pablo and 2 nephews of one of them, Rosario & Facundo <3.
In all my life I had two pets, the first was a Hamster, his name was Amigo (I know, I wasn’t very creative when I was a child xd) and my cat Saya. Amigo died when I was 6 or 7 years old (insert sad music) and my cat Saya born in 2017, now she is 3 years old and I love her <3.
To say more about myself, I like to study and listen to music, especially Lo-Fi. I like to play with my cat and read Scientifics articles. Besides, I love to play videogames but I think this semester I will not play anything because I only have time to study and sleep .

Practice Exercise

Hi, my name is Gonzalo Quiñones and I study biochemistry at university of Chile. I like the English because in this time you can find everything in English like academic books, papers, all kind of information, etc. Besides, I like to read and write in English (I don’t like to speak in English because I am not good at all, but I want to learn jeje).
I listen to music in English, but I don´t know how often I do because I made a playlist in Spotify of Lo-Fi (search about that, maybe you like it) with more than 1000 songs, however only a few songs have a singer and I have a aleatory mode of reproduction. Another aspect of me is I don´t usually watch movies.
Talking more about English, the most difficult aspect of English for me is understand a conversation or a dialogue. To overcome that problem and others I will read books and watch videos in English, in addition, I think this course can improve mi English level. In conclusion, I will do my best to overcome my English problems and learn a lot.

A Subjet I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

I think the subject I most enjoyed this semester was analytical chemistry I. Been truth between us, a big parts of the teacher was very nice...