viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

A Subjet I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

I think the subject I most enjoyed this semester was analytical chemistry I. Been truth between us, a big parts of the teacher was very nice and professional even in that new context of pandemic and the contents of the course was amazing. Literally I felt as a detective reading problems and finding solution from tables of compounds and reactions in qualitative analytical chemistry. For that we found clues from small text of a sample and we needed to give the exactly principal compound using a lot of reaction tables.

During this course we studied how to develop with different technics and scientific materials for study diverse compound with specifics properties a problematics to clear that and bring a specific solutions. For example, one of the principal contents was how to find a concentration from a sample using different methods by titration or how the medium and its properties allow you to control a measurable chemical property from a specific compound.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

An Expert On My Field

Cristian Wilson is a doctor in biochemistry, professor at the University of Chile, son of a medical technologist, Cristian discovers through a paper that his mother owned Tito Ureta that his current profession was what he wanted to study who would be one of his professors. National score in science and history, Wilson enters the University of Chile and after several years manages to take one of the courses of the author of the paper that took him where he was, but not only did he become a pupil of it, but he also became something of his heir, as Ureta left him his papers, his plates (which he used to make classes) and even his book in which he wrote down all his ideas and questions.
The reasons I admire him so much are many, but especially I do it because everything he sets out to achieve with a lot of effort and perseverance, that’s why he achieved what I mentioned earlier, in addition to working with the now Nobel laureate Randy Sheckman or being able to build the optical clamps to carry out his work, since he did not receive any financial aid to do so. Not to mention his "scientific accident," by which he found how to see DNA without the need for dyes or lights like UV. For that, and for how close you are and how you are I admire Professor Cristian Wilson.
At the photo you can see proffesor Cristian Wilson (second from left to right) with classmates of my generation. As a super important curiosity, is thas first girl at left is my super best friend Catalina (Paci) uwu.

A Subjet I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

I think the subject I most enjoyed this semester was analytical chemistry I. Been truth between us, a big parts of the teacher was very nice...